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Thoughts & Inspiration

How Do The Pieces Fit Together?

Do you ever step back and look at some of the things God has done in your life and it starts to make sense? You start to see the picture that all the puzzle pieces have added up to?

That is where I am today. My love for people, for healing, discipleship and my new found loves of teaching are all starting to add up to a bigger picture.

One of my assignments for my calling class was to e-mail people that are close to me and ask them what I am passionate about. It wasn’t surprising to me that most people said that I am passionate about people for many different reasons. But my parent’s response was one that explained my heart in a way better that I knew how.  

“You have always been passionate about people. I may even characterize it as “hurting” people. From physical ailments, kids left out of the in-crowd, to someone who is struggling with life. This is a passion you have had all your life.” Or I am passionate about “wanting to make the “unlovely” feel lovely.”

There are threads of this throughout my life.

About six years ago God started to work in my heart, and give me a passion for working with high school students. Before the race I had worked with the teen girls in my church’s youth group, and loved it. I loved doing life with them, getting coffee, leading small group discussions, praying with them and being able to speak God’s truth into their lives. Over the course of my World Race God grew that passion in me from teenagers to women of all ages, specifically in the areas of speaking to them about their value and worth to God. (See my blog: I came back from my race knowing that women’s ministry was where God was leading, beyond that I knew very little.

Here at CGA as part of my discipleship program I have gotten to work in the Kingdom Journey’s office. One of their ministries is called Beauty for Ashes, and you guessed it…it’s a ministry focused on women. I have gotten to spend the last six weeks getting to know the women here in the office, their heart for the ministry and testimonies of how God has blessed it and used it.

I had been praying about being involved in this ministry before I even got here but put it aside because the countries they are going to aren’t where I have felt called to return to. As I prayed about it God showed me it wasn’t about WHERE I was going to go, but the women we would meet, and the truth we would bring them.

Can’t argue that.

About a month ago I started the application process for this next step; a six month, 3 country ministry trip to the women of Central and South America. This Thursday I found out I have been accepted to the women’s team leaving in January!!

This mean’s a whole new round of fundraising and the opportunity to once again see God’s provision. To finalize my commitment and say “I’m all in,” I need to have $500 in my fundraising account as soon as possible.

Today I am asking for someone who would be willing to be the person to commit to giving that $500. If you are willing to be that person please send me an e-mail at [email protected].

Will you join me in praying for my team as we all start to get to know each other, and make the preparations to leave in January? Will you pray with all expectation that God is going to show up and move and do big things through my team?