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So Much Goodness

In my last blog I had shared that God had told me that He had so much goodness for me here in GA. I would like to share with you what some of that has looked like the past few weeks.

Goodness came in the form of my housemates. We all hit it off from day one when we spent our “house time” coloring festive decorations. Since then we have already become a group of women that love each other well, laugh and pray together. There is never a shortage of encouragement as we all enter into different area’s that still take us out of our comfort zones. I love these women.


Goodness as a three night camping trip in the GA and SC mountains. This time was used to help us start to build community with the people we will be with the next few months. While we were in the woods we spend an entire day alone with the Lord taking time to ask Him what He has for us in this next season, and process things in the past that maybe we need to leave behind. Also, I love the outdoors and hiking so this wasn’t a task to be conquered but one to enjoy. Here’s to more outdoor adventures!


Goodness in an amazing team to hike with. A group to have deep conversations with but also lots of laughter. These days of camping brought so much joy! I also found my biking buddy for while I am down here in GA. What are the chances the one other mountain biker at CGA would be on my hiking team? 😉


Goodness in the form of 11 reunions with my World Race Squad mates since I left Michigan. This weekend will bring even more as the four of us here at CGA will road trip to our squad leaders wedding! It has been so great to get together, reminisce about the WR and share what God’s done in our time back home.  


Goodness in the form of being blessed with the apprenticeship that I was praying I would get! I am working in the Kingdom Journey’s and Beauty for Ashes department in the afternoon after my classes. It will definitely be stretching as I have never worked in an office setting like this before, but I am really excited to be working with the women that I am.


You have just gotten the highlight reel of so many of the good things that I have gotten to experience in these past few weeks but there have been many more. I want to encourage you to take the time to think about some of the good things God has blessed you with this week, or month that maybe you have over looked in the business of life.