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When the Honeymoon Phase is Over

I’m sure most of you have heard of it before, the honeymoon stage. That time period at the beginning of any new adventure where everything is new and shiny and awesome! Everything is just great! When there are just so many new things to see and do! There are so many new people to meet! You just want to be able to do everything that is in front of you! That was my first two weeks here in Georgia.

Then there was a weekend road trip to a wedding that put a halt to all of that.

The Thursday night before I left for Virginia with three of my former E-squad comrades, and now co-CGA apprentices I had a LOT of work to do. I had a homework load that was much larger than what I was expecting it to be. Since I was missing my leadership classes the next morning I had to write presentation I needed to do for that before I left as well. The night before we left I was up late. The hours that weren’t spent driving in the car were spent trying to catch a quick nap so I could keep my eyes open to read the book I needed to have done by Tuesday.

I had taken on more than I should have. I underestimated how much work all of this would be. It was manageable. It just meant a few nights with less sleep then needed, and I needed to bring my a-game to my time management.

Monday morning for the first time I wasn’t excited to get up. For the first time my roommate got out of bed before I did. For the first time I really didn’t care about looking professional.

Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because I am trying to learn how to share with you the not fluffy and fun parts of all of this. I want to be able to share with you the things that I struggle with, and the things that the Lord is teaching me, and walking me through that aren’t pretty.

There has still been a lot of goodness. The time spent at the wedding was a great reunion with many of my E-Squad family, and I witnessed some of the most beautiful wedding vows I have ever seen exchanged. I loved having people to jam to music with on the long car ride. The book that I had to read was really good, and really convicting. I get to soak wisdom and feedback of the people around me.

But let’s be real, every step of this process, and every moment of life isn’t full of joy and excitement. Struggles and challenges are a real thing. There are good days and bad days. Blogs will be written about the goodness that God has for me, for us and blogs will be written about struggles.

It’s real life.